Friday, July 11, 2014

Episode 20- Eric Potter and the Chamber of the Secrets

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking permission and crediting me & this blog, thank you!  This fic is partially based on the Harry Potter characters by J.K. Rowling and its main intention is entertainment.  To all my readers, I hope you enjoy the Deric magic.

Episode 20- Eric Potter and the Chamber of the Secrets

It was on the magical news: The Prophetspressen, Magical Frida, and the Tablet of the wizard.  Eric Potter and Danny Malfoy were found walking outside their beds in the middle of the night…. and the chamber of the secrets was open by the way.

But what does it mean?
- Well, said Alexander.-  I am sorry to know that you were living outside the pop scenario before Melodihogwarts but… the legend says that when the chamber was open, the dark magician started killing its enemies and brought their bodies in the chamber.
- Thank you!  Could it be worse?
- Well, technically yes.  Now they think you are gay.
- God dammit, Måns!
- And you have to face the contest anyway.

Eric was having his breakfast.
- Do you want more bread?- Asked Molly
- Not really
- Are you sure?  You have to eat properly before you go to the competition
- I honestly feel fine.
Everybody was wanting to talk to him.  Not sure if they were there because people liked him or if they were not sure if he could survive the tournament.
- Eric, are you worried?  Because I can follow you.  By the way can you sign this memorabilia.  PLease write to Darin from Eric “Sveriges ultimate magician”.  I am not sure what does it mean but probably it will cost more than my whole career.
- Can you please shut up Darin- said Molly.  Come on go and follow Anton, he is also a hot… I mean!  A good magician.
- Well but I…
- Now!

All of the participants to the tournament please follow me.  We are going to have the first competition.
It waös professor MJ.
But then, when they arrived to the hall, there was a rumour growing up.
- Where is Lena Delacour, the cool German witch :D- said John  
Now that they had their first competition did she have to disappear?
- This must be- started saying Alexander
- Can you proof it? - said Måns
- I cannot proof that Danny is gay but still we all know haha
- And who will be the next?- asked Edward.  -OMG my brother and I could be the next.  We are so nice and funny and we dance so cool.  We have to protect ourselves and our cool hair.  I told John that Mr. Sparow is not that awesome even if he likes skirts.
- What are you saying?
- Oh yes- laughed John.  - He used to go to our dance classes at 1 pm but he leaves at 2 om where he have the class on how to be a total bitch
- Nice that you say that.

- Okay gentlemen.  Unfortunately, Lena Delacour, our third contestant is not here at the moment.  We don’t know where are her whereabouts but the contest needs to continue- announced professor MJ.  
In this competition you will have to walk to a maze.  The person who runs it faster will be the winner of the competition.
Lord Alex Sparow entered the maze.  He is attacking a strange creature that is screaming.  Is it a nymph?
No, it is Silvia Night!
What other horrible things are awaiting for him in the maze?  Could it be the Screaming girl from Albania 2012?
Oh no, it is Gianluca from Malta.  The guys is trying to attract Alex with his sweetness to make him forget that he has to run fast.  
Oh wait he is actually seducing him!
But wait, Alex replied with a hips dance and he did it.  Alex has skipped from Gianluca and now he is running.  It is Eric’s turn.

Eric prepared himself.  He is received by Loreen.  They say that Loreen learnt all her magic frolm the witch of blair herself.  And she is giving a triple karate kick.  But Eric avoid it with one of his dance moves and he is running.  He does not want to fight with her.  Good move Eric.
But oh no!  The famous Romanian vampire Cezar is waiting for Eric and he is ready to bite him.
And he bite him but it did not make any effect.
Remember they say Eric is half a vampire.
Eric runs and he is also out of the maze.

Let’s wait for the results from professor Madonna.
Who went to the goal faster?
The answer is: Eric Potter.  
Eric Potter has won the first competition
- Wait that is not fair!  Eric copied me.  I saw him.  These are my dance moves.  These are my seductive moves.  This is my smile.  Everybody copies me.  I hate you all and I am going to kidnap someone- cried Lord Alex Sparow.
- I mean that I am going to… hug someone.

Eric was winning the contest
- Let’s go and celebrate at the Made of Pop house. said the Jedward twins.
- But wait where is Darin
- I have not seen him in the charts for ages!
- Oh my God where is he?
- Who cares
- Let’s go

But another surprise was awaiting for Eric.  They party all night.  Eric even demonstrate some of his magical abilities to the girls… and the boys until midnight when someone asked
- Where is Molly?

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