"Eric Potter and the Melodihogwarts Tournament"
A magical Deric story, based on Harry Potter written by Kikisan.
Please, do not repost it in any place without asking permission and crediting me & this blog, thank you! This fic is partially based on the Harry Potter characters by J.K. Rowling and its main intention is entertainment. To all my readers, I hope you enjoy the Deric magic.
Episode 12- The keeper
- You are a vampire!
The words pronounced by Danny Malfoy still were sounding in Eric’s head. Eric did not even tried to contradict the boy
- How do you know that?
Danny Malfoy smiled with satisfaction.
- Because I’ve been watching you all the time and I noticed that you have a big... pair of fangs!
- Yes, I am a vampire- Eric Potter admit looking directly to Danny’s eys
Now it was Malfoy the one who had to step back
- That’s all you wanted to know. Well I am a vampire. I always knew that a vampire has bite me when I was a little boy.
Danny feels confused. This was definitely not what he was expecting. Now the boy look menacing, like he has not fear to fight with him. That little vampire boy was threatening him. How could he?
- How did it happened?
- I don’t remember. I don’t care. I just knew that I had superpowers and that I had that need for blood
Eric Potter opened his eyes wide and Danny Malfoy had to make an extra effort not to look afraid.
- So...? Danny asked
Eric Potter sighed. He was impatient.
- Let’s make it clear smart boy. I have a reputation to care and I won’t let someone like you break it into pieces.
-All these years I have been cautious. I only go hunting in the middle of the night and I never attack humans, just animals. But if you tell someone about my secret, I won’t care to go and make you pay for it. You have a family. I don’t. If you value them, shut up! Remember that I’m a vampire and I won’t think about twice to respond if you attack me first.
That was worst than a slap in the face. The little boy was mean to him for the first time ever! Unbelievable
- How dare you?!
Eric stared at him for a few seconds until he found he couldn’t watch Danny anymore without feeling sad.
He turned around to the corner just to watched the wall.
Danny was almost sure that the boy was about to cry. He just pretended to be strong. Dammit, this actually makes him feel worst.
- Eric, I’m sorry about you being a vampire- he said with a weak note
Eric Potter didn’t react. This was more painful to Danny than what he thought but now he couldn’t stop.
- Hey, I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you man
Eric couldn’t ignore this last remark
- Oh really? -He asked with sarcasm.
- You can’t understand how I feel. If you only knew.
Eric Potter was surprised. It was like talking to a completely different person. Danny’s voice sounded more delicate, more... human. He was almost begging for his understanding.
- Maybe some day I will- Eric Potter said before leaving the room back to his bedroom.
Leaving Danny alone once again.
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