Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Episode 6- Doctor me (part V)

"IGNSTSMF" (I Got No Switch to Stop My Fantasies)

A collection of my favourite sweet Deric fantasies, written by Kikisan.

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking permission and crediting me & this blog, thank you!  This fic creates a series of fantasies were Danny and Eric will be the main actors.  Every episode described on this fic is 100% fictional and has no base on reality.  A fantasy is an imagined event such a daydream.  It’s not real and in some cases, the re-enactment of such events are ilegal and immoral at the same time so please keep in mind this and have fun.  Thanks to all of my readers

Episode 6- Doctor me (part V)

This is heaven

Some days after I had my first  sex experience with Danny...
I must admit, I still can’t believe this has happen for real.  It’s incredible to just imagine that I have made love with Danny Saucedo.
I have never met a man like him before and probably will never find someone like him.  He is very protective and this makes me angry but he is so wise and special for me.  
My master, my teacher.

Well, some days after that, I received a surprise coming from him that I was not expecting and I didn’t know if I should feel comfortable or just offended.   

When I arrived home to my parent’s they preached me for hours about how irresponsible I was and for the next week I could not leave home after school.
Of course I lied.  I tell them I went to the movies and then I went out with my friends to see a match from the Champions League.

I really missed Danny but at the same time I didn’t want to see him and the idea of him, trying to call me makes me feel nervous.
All I could do was masturbating me in the shower thinking about my blond Adonis, my saviour and protector.  Just remembering how my body was touched immediately made me feel excited and turned me on.

We have taken too many risks over the past days that I didn’t want to take more and probably hurt Danny’s reputation or made him lose his job.

It was not until my first day, when my punishment was finished and I could finally go out that I knew something new about Dr. Danny Saucedo.
I had to go to some friends house to complete some school assignments and maybe watch a film when I realize that I haven’t read my email some days ago.  I had the temptation to check if there was something new so I went to an Internet shop before taking the bus.

I almost fainted when I see an email from  I tried to calm down and stop breathing so fast before clicking that letter.
Finally I did:
Mi amor:

You don’t even know how much I’ve been missing you.  How many times I’ve been thinking about leaving everything just to run for you.  But I can’t for your own sake.  There are so many things to lose if we make something stupid and I don’t want to hurt you, not even lose you.

I guess you think the same because you haven’t try to look for me on the next days.  You are a wise boy.  I hope I have not caused you any trouble with your parents.

I have a plan for us baby.  I would die if I pass another week without you baby.  Tell me where and when can we meet each other.



I hesitated for a second but then I click on Reply
“Can’t wait to see you.  I want to be with you today.  Pick me up at 16.00 I’ll be in the park next to Emma’s house.”
I looked behind me and rolled my eyes before adding “I love you”

I arrived to Emma’s house and do my tasks as fast as a I can’t.  We play video games at first and I guess my friends noticed there was something wrong in me when I just don’t stop telling them that we had to start doing our homework right now to end it all really fast.
This was probably the first time they watch me talking about how important was to do our homework right at the time.
- Are you sick manboy?- Someone told me.

Thanks God we do things right.  When I noticed it was almost four and we haven’t finished preparing our report, I told the boys that I have an important thing to do and that I would finish my part of the job at home.
Emma said that she wanted to go with me so I won’t be alone as I wait for my taxi.  I say it was not necessary but she insisted  and it would be suspicious if I refuse her polite gesture

- So you end up with your girlfriend?
We were walking straight to the part when she suddenly asked this
- How did you know that?
She looked at me, maybe thinking that I was trying to take her for a fool
- We are friends Eric.  There’s no secret between us.
Now it was me who was surprised
- So she told you that she has cheated on me twice?- I questioned her

Emma wasn’t expecting that reply.
- This could not be truth
- Yes, I confirmed.  I know exactly what I’ve seen
I felt uncomfortable but I was feeling better now.  When I first realized what happened it hurt me a lot, but then... I felt no emotion.  It was like talking about another person, not me.
- Are you ok, Eric?- My friend asked me
- Yes I said even if I could not smile.

- I’m sorry for being so rude- I added.- It’s just that I am not already prepared to talk about this subject.  Ok?
- I guess so- she said but after a few seconds she added- So there’s no chance that you two come back
- I don’t think so
I sighed
- Emma, you have been really nice for caring about how I was feeling and everything but I have to go right now.  Someone is waiting for me.
I kissed her in the cheek and I started walking through the park, praying that Danny won’t be late.  

He arrived 5 minutes later and I entered the car.  Thanks heaven!
I kissed Danny on his mouth after I closed the door.
- Hi, Danny- I said and then I sit and adjusted my seat belt.
- Are you feeling ok, Eric?  You haven’t said a single word- Danny said five minutes later.
- I had a discussion with a friend about my ex girlfriend.- I admitted.
- Oh- He just said.
Maybe he noticed that it was not a good idea to insist on that subject or simply he was shocked because I haven’t told him already that I broke up with my girl but he doesn’t ask me anything more.

Finally we arrived to Danny’s house.  When we entered his apartment he let me go to his room while he prepared his “special gift”.  I run directly to the bed and turn on the tv as a 5 years old little boy who doesn’t care for anything more.

Ten minutes later, Danny was there with me.  I noticed he was hesitating about what he was about to do because of that guilty smile he was giving to me.
- Are we going to watch a porn film?- I suggested laughing.  I have lots of them in my house.
Danny looked at me a little bit upset but a little bit fun at the same time
I knew exactly what he was thinking: That Eric Saade is playing with me once again.  He thinks he is so bad! And he was right about it hahaha  

I guess Danny took my challenge and he put a film .  We watched a straight porn film.  Probably because, Danny imagined that would turn me on better than a gay film.  And he was right.  I have never watched one of them. After the porno we stripped down and he had me lay face down on the bed. I felt him pull my legs apart and then he did something he never does and started to lick my asshole.
- No- I asked and Danny stopped
He looked at me feeling guilty for what he thought it was an abuse.  
I was feeling like a total idiot.

- No, go on Danny- I cried.
I took on his hands
- I’m sorry I just want to feel the magic but at the same time I feel so unprepared.
- Then we better stop- Danny says with a disappointed tone on his voice.
I had to do something.  Danny has his own pride and he’d rather end what we were doing if he felt he was hurting me.

- No, Danny.  You should know how complicated I am but if there’s someone who must do this, that’s you- I beg
- But not today...- Danny started as he think he was about to do something morally wrong.
I have no choice.  I don’t let him continue.  I kissed him with passion.  The discussion was over.  
Danny get closer to me.  He continue once again and all I could do was just lay there and moan and squirm as he ate me and tongue fucked me. After several minute of him eating my man cunt he than pulled away and I felt him pour a bit of lube on my open waiting asshole and than started to push it in with his finger.

I felt pleasure, pain and pleasure once again.
I tried to feel relaxed and it works.  I was feeling fine as I never imagined I could be, in bed with a man.  But of course, I never met someone like  Danny before.

He would finger it for a few strokes pull it out and pour on a bit more lube and finger it into me again and that is when I felt the lube start to heat up and I realized he had used some sort of warming lube which felt so good and drove me wild.

I suddenly became aware that he was starting to use 2 fingers in my buttocks and he would wiggle them around to really intensify the action. When my virgin butt got used to 2 fingers in it he pushed in a third and started to massage me. As he finger fucked me all I could do was surrender to it and Danny knew he had me hooked. After listening to me moan and sigh for several minutes he pulled his fingers out of me. I felt him get into position behind me and in between my legs when I felt what I thought was his cockhead press against my pulsing asshole.

At least that was what I thought.  A few seconds later I would find what my gift was.
As I felt him surge into me I realized it was not his cock as whatever he was using was stretching me to my limit as he pushed it deep into my ass until he got it in deeper than anything I have taken to this point. It was my first time I get fucked that it actually was hurting a bit and I was contemplating putting a stop to it when he leaned over and whispered
-Relax baby you are gonna love this.

He just left the dildo in me not moving it at all when I felt him start to lick my neck and back really exciting me. As he was licking me I found myself grinding against the dildo in me and he used that as his signal to slowly fuck me. At first he would only remove a couple of inches and slowly work it back in until he worked up a rythm that allowed him to long stroke my ass. I was grinding so hard against it my cock was rubbing on the sheets and I had managed to cum.
Danny had reached around to fondle my cock he discovered my secret and he scooped up a bit of it and fed it to me and I as I licked it clean he would reach down and scoop up more. All through the feeding he kept whispering things: do you like it my sweet angel?

After he was done feeding me my cum I felt his hand circle my cock and he was stroking it in time with my assfucking. It took several minutes but I could not hold out any longer and shot another load into his hand.

As things started to wind down he took his cum covered hand and smeared it all over my face. I have to say when he pulled the dildo out of my butt at that point my man cunt felt so hollow and I was amazed when I saw what was in me. He had bought a pink dildo and had buried that all the way into me. I than proceeded to thank him for a good time by giving him a nice steady blowjob and allowing him to paint my face with his cum before letting him fuck me in the ass.

Ten minutes later we laid in his bed, hugging and kissing each other
- So that’s your gift: your first sex toy boy- Danny said with a pervert smile on his face
Oh Gosh, I was underestimating my man’s sex drive and I had to pay for that hahaha
- I can’t bring that... thing to my house.  Are you insane Danny? I’m just 15!
- I thought you were an all grown up kid- he joked

That hurted.  Using my words against me.
However, Danny laughed again.
- You can have it here- He explained.
- By the way, I have another gift for you.  Close your eyes.
I did it and like five seconds later, I feel Danny’s lips next to mine and after that, he put something inside my hand.
A Key?
- I want that you have an extra key of my apartment.  My house is your house baby.  
I couldn’t believe what I have heard.  It was like he was proposing me to get married with me.  It was simply... more than I was expecting.
- No secrets for you Eric- Danny confirmed.

Our hands stayed together for more than a minute, when I finally took the key and then we stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
Sudenly I found out, there was something I just didn’t understand about our relationship.
- Darling, I want to know something and I want that you be honest with me.
Danny kept looking at me but I noticed he was now a little bit nervous
- Just shoot, baby boy.
I sighed.

- Danny, why didn’t you want to be with me... you know, why you didn’t want to have sex with me?- I finally asked as fast as I could to make it sound less worse
Dr. Danny Saucedo just smiled.
- I thought you knew.
He put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with love.  The only person that has looked at me with the same passion was my mom.
- Because I love you and I want to protect you.  I don’t want to do something that could be bad for you, no matter if you agree or not.
- I know.  But I feel there’s something else- I insisted.- Please Danny, tell me! You promised me you won’t have secrets with me.

Danny looked at the floor.  For a second I though our conversation was finished but then he stared at me and I could see there was a tear on his eye.
- Someone raped me when I was your age
I suddenly felt my world has been destroyed when I listen this.
I wished it was a horrible lie but it wasn’t.  
Danny’s face only showed me pain and sadness as I’ve never seen before.  It was obvious I’ve made him go back to the worst episode of his life every time I mentioned how much I wanted to be in bed with him.

But he was going to overcome this horrible nightmare.  He was a survivor and he had me.  We have a lifetime to forget this pain.
I wished I have something good to tell him but my mind was frozen and I was completely in shock  
- It was a boy from my school- Danny continue to my surprise.  He was 5 years older than me.  I thought he was handsome but I have never talked to him because I was too shy.  I never suspected why he always observed me when I had to go to a class.
One day, I didn’t left the school at the right time because I was playing sports.  I loved swimming at this time.

When I went to the dressing room to put my uniform on and go to my house I heard some noise before the boy closed the door.
I felt afraid but I could not imagine that he was about to beat me and forced me to have sex with him.  And I was all this time in love of that bastard.
Danny was crying and his face reflects both pain and anger
- I never told my parents.  I never tell anyone until now.
- Oh Danny- I cried before hugging him. - Please don’t cry, your safe now.  You are with me and I love you.
- I know I’m safe in your arms Eric


I was looking myself in the mirror.
I liked my graduation smoking and my sailor hat.  Soon I would be in school, sharing my last day with my friends at school.

I feel happy and nostalgic at the same time.  I feared this would also be the last time I see my lover after a whole year where he was my only one.

My phone rang.  I’ve received a SMS

My boy is finally a big man.  Congratulations. XOXO.  Danny      

I looked at the window.  It was raining cats and dogs.
I sighed.
- What are you doing here?  It’s time to go.
It was my mom
- Who send you a message on your cell phone.  Is your new girlfriend
- Mum!
- I’m just kidding.

I take the backseat and we went to my school.  I had to wear a bright yellow watercoat.  When I finally arrived, I could see the boys, making jokes, ready for the big celebration.
I took a look but I couldn’t find Danny.  Of course, he should be with the other professors- I thought.

- Hi Eric!
It was my ex girlfriend who suddenly hugged me as she saw me coming next to her.
I couldn’t deny this put me a big smile on my face and with a bottle of wine in my hand and a picture of me in the other I join the reunion waiting for having the biggest party of my whole life.

I took some pictures with my friends and family and I drink a little bit.  I started to forget what made me feel minutes just some minutes ago.. well, at least until the ceremony started and the director of my school started to call our names to give us our diplomas.
Then I remembered the only person that has the power to make me feel calm on these situations.  

Eric Khaleb Saade
I felt butterflies in my stomach when my name was finally pronounced.
Oh God, it was a reality.  This was the end and soon I would be an adult.  My time in school has ended forever.
I felt someone was touching my shoulder to make me react.  I couldn’t hear well what people was telling me but I was not really listening.
I stood up making my best to not cry and finally I started walking.  A photographer was taking pictures of me in the right moment when I walk through the hall and I felt like walking miles and miles until I finally arrived and took my diploma.

It was supposed that I came back and took a seat next to my parents but then I see... him and everything in me could only focus on him.

Waiting from me in a corner.  I was out of the sight of any curious person.  My lips and Danny’s meet each other for a second.
- Congratulations Eric, he said.  I can’t believe you were that little boy who came one day for some professional help.
I laughed.
- I would love to live with you now that I’m an adult.
It was real.  I didn’t care for the rest.

Danny stared at me with an enigmatic smile
- I have some better ideas for us to.  You won’t have to sacrifice anything from your old life to be with me.  And you already live with me... deep in my heart

The end.


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