Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Episode 3- Doctor me (part II)

"IGNSTSMF" (I Got No Switch to Stop My Fantasies)

A collection of my favourite sweet Deric fantasies, written by Kikisan.

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking permission and crediting me & this blog, thank you!  This fic creates a series of fantasies were Danny and Eric will be the main actors.  Every episode described on this fic is 100% fictional and has no base on reality.  A fantasy is an imagined event such a daydream.  It’s not real and in some cases, the re-enactment of such events are ilegal and immoral at the same time so please keep in mind this and have fun.  Thanks to all of my readers

Episode 3- Doctor me (part II)

Journal from Doctor Danny Saucedo

Two weeks passed away for me without knowing anything more about my boy.  About Eric Saade.
Sometimes I found myself in my desk, dreaming about that boy, asking myself if there was something left I should say to that boy in trouble.

I tried my best to pretend that he was just another professional subject and in the worst of the cases, that I was caring about him like a father would do with his little child.
But I was cheating myself and I knew it.

Everytime I arrived to the school, the first thing I do was trying to find the boy.  It was actually easy to find him just by looking for his distinguishable color of his hair with his bag talking with some of his friends or ready to go to another soccer game.  I even closed the door of my office, came to the bathroom and I masturbated to Eric as if I were a teenager.  
Oh, he looked so cute.  I wished he was happy as he apparently seems to be.

Let’s face it, I was hopelessly in love of the boy and the worst part was that I knew there was something wrong about my feelings but I just couldn’t stop them.
Day after day I have to order myself not to try to communicate with that kid.  It hurts me but I told myself that it was not healthy for him to be near me.  At the end, I started to believe that it was like that and I restart with my monotonous life.

Sometimes life is like that.  Like a big sick joke I would say.  Because, when I finally concluded that I won’t see Eric Saade again, the boy came to my office without a previous announcement just as he came to my life for the first time.

It was 6 pm and I was working on a specially boring report about children’s abuse.  I have to explain to the directors that I have made everything that is in my hands to try to control bullying in the school.
Oh God, are they retarded? You can do your job but there’s always been at least one bastard wanting to abuse his/ her classmates.

Someone knocked on my door.  My assistant has already left so I had to stop working in my report (not that i minded) to open the door.
The angel was right in front of me.
I had to pretend I wasn’t impressed because the boy has taken my breathe away and it was just because of his presence.

- Hi
- Hi Eric, what are you doing here it’s too late.
- I’m sorry
The boy seems to be a little bit embarrassed
- Why did you stay so late in school?
- I was studying a subject with some friends so I decided to came here and...
The boy shut up.  This was obviously a lie.

However I smiled pretending that I believed in him or at least that he could trust in me.
- Come on, sit down.  Do you want to have something to drink: coffee, tea, soda?
I hoped I didn’t look nervous about the idea of having the boy near me
- Do you have iced tea?
- Sure, let me... wait a second.

I almost run to prepare the sweet kid a glass of Ice tea.  Five minutes later I was sitting next to him.
- So, how’s your life boy?
- Oh... - Eric hesitate for a second but then he smiled with confidence.- Everything is going really good.  You were right, doc.
- Call me Danny.  We are friends right? hahaha
- Thanks
I sighed
- Man, I am really glad this has happened to you.  Seriously, there’s nothing more important than having a good relationship with your father.
Eric tried to replied with a smile but he just couldn’t.  He was hiding something from me but I didn’t want to force him to tell me anything.

He started playing with his fingers, probably trying to earn some extra time.
- I just wanted to say hi.
- Hi!- I replied with a theatrical, maybe stupid tone in my voice.
Eric Saade didn’t know if he should be offended or just laugh
- Well, let’s just talk- He asked me.  

We started to talk about his family, the school, his last week adventures with his friends, etc.  I noticed that he felt a little bit uncomfortable when I mentioned his girlfriend.  And I can’t deny  that I enjoyed this last part.
- What are you going to do tonight?
The boy surprised me once again.
- Nothing- I replied trying to do it with the most indifferent tone I could have.  
- Cause I was thinking about...

Eric stopped himself and I noticed that he was about to blush.  
- Do you have plans for tomorrow?
- I have a soccer training
- Fine.  Can I wait for you and then we can go to the movies.  I know it sounds so nerd!- I admitted just a few seconds after I say exactly what I was thinking
- No, that’s fine.
I knew he was being honest and this just makes me love Eric even more.  What a lovely boy!
- Then I can go to the match and wait for you.
- I don’t think so- Eric replied looking now a little bit nervous.

But I didn’t want to discuss with the boy.  I was about to have a date... I mean, a whole day with the boy of my dreams.  I have nothing to discuss
- We are going to do it just as you want.  

He felt relieved with my answer.  I deduced that he feels uncomfortable if his friends find that I was looking for him.  Too many explanations to give.
Eric took a stress ball from my desk and he started playing with it, throwing it against the wall.  I let him do it.  And I say no word as he turned his back.
- Last time, I felt really nervous when I came to visit you- He admitted.- When you touched me you know.

Not again.  He hasn’t forgotten about it.
His statement makes me suddenly serious.  Every hope I had before has abandoned me.
-… I’m sorry- he said and he looked different.
It was hard for this teenager to say these words by this teenager but what was more important to me was that he actually believe in me.
I made my best effort not to look surprised or shocked.
- I guess you were right and it was a good idea.  It helps me a lot to think about my lack of affection.

Eric Saade took a step forward.  I stood up and we were now face to face, just a few inches separated us.
- Do you let me...?- I let the sentence unfinished and I couldn’t help myself
I bite my lip
- Yes- Eric almost moan

I put my hand on his arms and I touch them carefully.  I feel Eric was trembling but at the same time he has closed his eyes decided to feel my touch.
I put my arms on his shoulder and then I started sliding them on his back.  I hugged him and then I put my head on his shoulder.  It was actually really easy because i am taller than him.  I felt his hair on my face and it felt better than what I was expecting.

I put my face in front of his face.  My nose was touching Eric’s nose and I could feel his hair on my front.  Our lips were as closer as they have never been.  
I felt butterflies in my stomach and it was like if my whole world has suddenly stopped and everything about me, all my priorities, every single nerve, every cell, every idea were dedicated just for Eric Saade.

I was afraid the boy open his eyes and in that moment I even fear that the boy could read my mind.  But he stay right there, hyperventilating and waiting for what I have to show him.  I couldn’t breathe, I was losing my mind.
- Boy, we better practice this exercise later.  On another day.
I finally could breath safely.
- I think you are right- He admit.  
I wasn’t sure about how Eric feel but let me tell you that I didn’t want to make him feel sad.  I would die to make this boy happy.  I can’t call it different.  It was love.

- How are you at school?
- You mean...?
- I am sure you hate maths!- I imagined
Eric just laughed
- How dare you?- He replied but he still was showing me that amazing smile in his face that makes him look so beautiful.
- I just imagine
- I hate maths!- He admit and he stop pretending that he was angry
- I can help you with that.  Do you have your notes?

He take his notebook from his bag and I started reading them trying to find a way to work on his school exercises.

I was never an exceptional math teacher but with such a really good inspiration as Eric could be, I just pretend to be a clever tutor and I think I was doing it right... or maybe not?  Sure he’d have an A+, fingers cross and everything was thanks to me!

When we stopped studying and talking it was 8 p.m.
I personally call Eric’s house to explain that he was at school working on an extra math activity hahaha and then I offered myself to bring this cute boy to his house.  When he left me, I stopped the car and keep looking for a while to the front of his house.

My boy’s place.  That sounds very romantic.
I left to my own crib.  I would feel really alone this night.  I knew it.  Once again, I’d be alone but at least I was sure that I was going to have some really beautiful dreams and all of them belong to Eric Saade.


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