Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chapter 16- Still Loving It


Danny Saucedo, Eric Saade and Molly Sandén fanfiction, written by Kikisan.

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking permission and crediting me & this forum, thank you! This fanfic is inspired off course by Eric, his amazing girlfriend, his talented friend Danny and my friend Nika who has previously posted a fanfic just for fun. All events described here are not necessary true (but we can pretend they are just for a moment!).

Chapter 16- Still Loving It

I was looking myself in the mirror.  I smiled at me, trying to practice my best looks:

An innocent smile or maybe a more naught one?

Then I started playing with my hair, trying to give it a different look.  I knew it looked right the way it was but I think that doing it helped me with my anxiety.   

Thanks God I was completely alone in my room. I would feel embarrassed if Molly, my girl could see me acting this way.

In a few minutes I would be driving to Danny’s house.  Finally he would give himself ENTIRELY to me.  Finally I would made him mine, I would enter him.  Finally!

Wow, that sounds to me even better than winning the Eurovision song contest because it took so long for Danny to have enough confidence to accept giving me his power and letting me for the first night in our relationship to be the one who would be on top.   

It wasn’t easy for him to do this.  I knew.  Probably he was feeling even worst than I did- I thought.

-And what if he suddenly change his mind and want to stop doing this?

- He can’t do this- I said to me but I actually was not convinced at all

- Oh come on, he is Danny! If he doesn’t like to do something he won’t do it.  And if he changes his mind, it’s almost impossible to force him to do it.

I got to a simple conclusion: if Danny tried to escape and not agree with our own agreement, I would be really angry and I would beat him...

No, that would made him feel excited, he is into S&M

Anyway it would be too unfair and I hope he would be wise enough to understand that, what I was asking was just simple and fair.

Stop the speculations and let’s just call Danny!

- Hi Danny how are you?

- Great... I think I’m ready.

- Fabulous.  Look, I’m about to go.

Danny remained in silence and this touched me.  No matter what I was thinking I just melt down when I am in front of him.   

- Danny, are you feeling nervous?

- No!- He answered immediately.

- Are you sure? I was thinking that, maybe if you don’t feel prepared...

- Are you kidding me Eric?- He laughed. - No, I’m not nervous.  Do I look nervous?

- No- I admitted feeling a little bit embarrassed.

- I was not sure because it seems you don’t like the idea, last time we were together.

- That’s right Eric.  I was scared!  But you know how much I love taking challenges.  I started thinking about this and you were right.  It’s not bad at all and I won’t let you say I can’t take your challenge hahaha    

I sighed completely relieved.

- I love you Danny.

- I love you too.

- Then I’ll be with you asap

- Don’t be late E.

- I won’t!

The road to Danny’s house was for me way too long.  I have never found how long it takes to go there.  I counted every single second until I finally stopped my car and when I knocked on the door of this place I knew it so well.  Finally, my loved one opened the door.

- Hi Da...

I could not finish my sentence.  Danny was wearing a suit.  And he has a sign on his right pocket written with a very elegant typing stile

Teacher Danny Saucedo

Wow.  It was weird, because... it’s not Danny style but I have to recognized that he looks really sexy on that teacher’s dress.

- Where did you graduate as a teacher?

- In my charm love school.  Now shut up little boy or I will punish you!

Danny’s smile became even huge.  He was literary enjoying the sight I was giving to him.  He then bite his lips and looked at me in a very pervert way.

- Oh Gosh, you are my fantasy that has become real!- He almost moaned

Danny then put his arms on my shoulder.  I turned around and my man gave me the hugest bear hug ever!

I chuckled and held on to him.

-Thanks man, I'm definitely excited.

But that was not all.  My boyfriend was not gonna let me leave his arms.  He started kissing me with real hunger, I could feel his wet tongue approaching himself to my throat with real anxiety and we still were in front of Danny’s door.  He kissed me for more than two minutes.  It was a long passionate kiss that let me know we were going to have a wonderful evening.

He guided me to his bedroom taking good care of me as if he was thinking I was really a little boy.  Then he put his sweet sticky lips on my own ones.

- Eric, you can’t even imagine how much I was waiting for this moment to happen.  I’ve been dreaming about this night all these days... and now you are here

That was too much for me.  I though my heart was about to explode with all this emotion that was inside of me.

Finally, Danny was prepared to give himself to me.

He put both my sunglasses and my hat on his beside.  Then he kissed my hair and after that he started going down to all of my body: my forehead, my nose, my lips, my cheeks my chin, then my neck.  He unbuttoned my shirt and lick my nipples making me moan and then he explored my chest, my stomach and my navel.

I felt how my erection became even bigger.  Danny also noticed it when he accidentally touched my pants.  He smiled to me and then he let me touch his dick to make me know that he was being as excited as I was.    

He tried to undid my belt but I had to stop him.

- Oh yes- he just said when I took his hand.

I put my hands on his face and I started kissing him.  It was like the first sign of the night that tell him that today was different.  Tonight he’ll be the main character of our game.  It was all about Danny giving himself to me.

I put my hands on Danny’s precious body.  I love how his muscles felt with my touch.  He was so strong.  He looks like a fashion model with his blond hair and his amazing blue eyes.  Oh, making love with Danny is one of the best things I have done in my entire 20 years of life.

I gave him my best passionate kiss I can give to someone and by the look on Danny’s face he was definitely enjoying this entry.

I took Danny’s hand and we sat on his bed kissing for what seemed to last like forever. I felt his rock hard dick against mine.  Quickly I took his shirt and pants off while letting him do the same with the rest of my clothes. I put my hand into his underwear feeling his manhood and the precum on his head.

- Oh Eric!- Danny whispered in my ear with delight

We stopped kissing and we both undressed each other. He got on his knees and he took my big baby maker into his mouth.  My body got an intense feeling as Danny was sucking me nice and slowly he was taking care of me so beautifully, caressing my nipples with his fingers.

I was pushing to the point where I was about to cum. But my lovely man went even faster and faster.  I had to I let out a moan.

- Oh Danny! I’m about to cum

My whole body was in complete ecstasy and felt like complete jelly and I ejaculated into his mouth, he swallowed it all, except with a bit running out the edge of his mouth.

-Do you like that? He asked me with a sexy grin.

- Yes! You did it so well- I said with a big smile on my face.

I kissed him again.

-My turn- I announced excitedly.

I bent down and licked the tip of his head I could taste his salty pre cum and it made me want more, I was sucking on him so nicely but then I stopped...

- Can I fuck you Dan?

- Only if you are okay with it.- I added. - I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, it's just you make me feel amazing and I want you to feel how I feel when I'm around you.

I smiled nervously.

- Eric, about your request. DAAAH! That’s why we are here!

Danny started laughing at me and I turned red.  He then stopped laughing and gave me another of his kisses that turn my world inside down

- You are amazing, and I am ready for someone amazing like you.

He grinned at me and we shared another kiss.

- Let’s do it right- I said.

I slowly put him in all fours and I stuck my lubed middle finger in his ass.

- Ohh- Danny just said closing his eyes in pain but after a few seconds he then added

- Speed it up! Don’t stop- He encouraged me

Danny’s cock sprang back up again I lubed him up very well and by the end of it I had 3 of my fingers inside of my boyfriend!.

I then put saliva on my dick and stuck my head in Danny’s ass.  He didn’t asked me to stop or even cry but I see that it hurts.

- Are you okay- I asked a little bit hesitating.

- Yes- He said while breathing fast.

- It’s a pain that gives me lots of pleasure after all- He added with a grin.

My dirty boy!

You're turning me upside down but I'm loving it

I'm still loving it

You're turning me inside out but I'm loving it

I pushed in even further and a rush ran through my body it was such and amazing feeling.  Finally I was entering my boy and he was accessible to me, ready to take some risks for me and let me guide him on this.

I pumped my cock inside of him really slowly and Danny was easing up a bit more. I started going a little faster them and now I was sure that Danny was actually loving every second where his anus was being stretched open by myself.

I kept going for another 5-6 minutes and as always happens I knew everything comes to an end including this amazing night with my boy.

- I’m about to explode.  

My whole body gave in and I fell on top of Danny. When I looked at him, I was surprised when I first noticed that his cock was so hard and it was full of precum.

I rolled off him and smiled ready to kiss him again.

Danny smiled back to me and then he asked

-Could you do the honors?

I lay on my back and lifted my legs over Danny’s shoulders. I entered my man this time without any hesitation, so nice and slowly. He breathed in fast when I entered.

- It’s okay, relax.  You are going to be alright.

- I know Eric he whispered.  I’ll be more than okay.  I am with you after all.

I sighed feeling so in love of my man.

I pushed all the way in, and pulled out a few times slowly.

I saw that Danny was getting comfortable with the situation so easily and this was just his second time he was been fucked! so I started picking up speed. Danny was starting to enjoy this and I definitely did it too!

Everything about Danny just turned me on, the way he looked, his scent, his body, his hair, his amazing blue eyes and among everything, his attitude just made me want to be his slave. I was fucking him harder and harder when my balls pulled up and I cummed the most I ever had in the past days.

We kissed for a few more minutes and then we cleaned each other up, we took a shower together and finally I fell asleep naked having Danny in my arms.

- Eric I love you he said when we were both in his bed.

He just could not stop telling me how much he loved me and kissing me.

- I love you too Danny.

- I never thought... I could ever enjoy something like this.  I never thought this could ever happen but you are just different.  I don’t know if you could understand it.

I look at Danny.  He was looking serious.  That was a little bit weird and his deep eyes were looking at me as if they were admiring a treasure it was just for him.

That was so cute, probably one of the best moments of the night.

- I could- I answered.  I never thought I could let someone... entered me.  The idea just sounded so disgusting to me.  Until I met you- I admitted.

We both laughed.

- So what’s next, manboy?- He asked

Now he sounded more like the Danny I know

- I don’t know- I said a little bit hesitating.- My girl says she would like to have a threesome- I added with a nervous laugh.

Danny kept looking at me like if he was just meditating the idea.

- Cool!- He finally said

- No!! forget about that Daniel.  Are you getting nuts?

Damn, Eric you are so stupid.  You should not say that.

- Please, tell me you are not really considering the idea- I begged to him.

- But Eric, why do you find it so crazy?

- Now you want to play the role of one of these porn actors in the films you make me watch- I said a little bit disturbed but laughing at the same time.

- You have a good memory sweety- he said and he winked an eye to me.

I was speechless I just kept looking at him completely surprised

- Are we playing the Record Guinness for craziest people on earth?

- Probably! Why not?

- Because... I love you and only you here.  And there’s also a place where I just love Molly and no other one different than Molly.  You are like two different worlds.  I don’t know why you guys want to make these worlds collide- I answered feeling exhausted.

- Not even for one night?

I didn’t answer to that question.  I was just looking worried.  I think my boyfriend probably noticed that because he then kissed me.

- We will talk about this in another day.  Now let’s just sleep- he said trying to calm me down while cuddling me.

I closed my eyes and I slept before that kiss though I still have this bad feeling that told me that, the fantasy of my girlfriend would be a reality.

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