Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chapter 4.5- I’ll be Alright (Bonus)


Danny Saucedo, Eric Saade and Molly Sandén fanfiction, written by Kikisan.

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking permission and crediting me & this forum, thank you! This fanfic is inspired off course by Eric, his amazing girlfriend, his talented friend Danny and my friend Nika who has previously posted a fanfic just for fun. All events described here are not necessary true (but we can pretend they are just for a moment!).

Chapter 4.5- I’ll be Alright (Bonus)

Metidos nesta pele que nos refuta,Dois somos, o mesmo que inimigos.
Grande coisa, afinal, é o suor (Assim já o diziam os antigos):
Sem ele, a vida não seria luta, Nem o amor amor.
José Saramago, Arte de Amar

I was sitting in the sofa of my apartment. I had no happiness, no hope, nothing.
Everything that yesterday made me feel happy was gone. My heart was bleeding in front of me and I couldn’t find an answer for this question.

-    Why Eric? Why do you do this to me? I believed in your words. Why did you cheat on me? What does she has? And why didn’t you tell me that love has gone? Why did you hurt me in a way nobody has done to me before?
I have no words to explain how terribly damaged I was. I used to be Eric’s girlfriend and I thought I did it well. Thinking about Eric as part of my past hurts me worst than a sword would do. But this pain was necessary. If I had to say goodbye to Eric Saade forever I have to start recognizing this as a reality.
-    Oh, Eric. Why do we have to break up like this? I just wished that you and your new girl find together the happiness you deserve in this new relationship. The one I was sure I was giving to you. But I was so d**n wrong. And I also hope you never give her a pain like the one you have made me feel today.

-    I’m bleeding for you Eric Saade. Oh, Måns, why are you so late? I need the voice and the advice of a friend like you on this painful moment.
Someone was knocking on the door. I saw Måns standing in front of the door waiting patiently for me to open up. I quickly opened the door and invite him to come in.
Mr. M dressed a black shirt and some really cute summer white pants.
-    Hi Molly- he said and he kissed me as the gentleman he is.
-    Have a sit.

I have talked to him some days ago about my worries. So when he sat in the sofa he felt intrigued. I could feel that and also his shyness while he settled in the sofa.
And even if I know why I need to talk to him, I didn’t want to break the atmosphere so fast. At least I could avoid this bitter drink for the next few minutes. He also knew that I was trying to ignore the reason I called him in the first place.

-    So how are you?- He asked not knowing what else to say.
-    I’ve had better days.
-    I hope you don’t mind that I’ve come dressed like this.
-    Oh, absolutely not, I like it. You look terrific.

It was true. He was looking really sexy and elegant at the same time. Now it was my turn to pretend we were going to have a normal conversation.

-    How are you?
-    Well, my work is just excellent. I am making some really good projects right now.- He answered and then he added
-    By the way, I forgot to complement you. That’s a really beautiful dress you are wearing. It makes you look amazing.
-    So I am not beautiful just by myself, Mr. M? - I asked flirting.
-    No, I just said that your dress makes you look even sexier than ever- He made it clear.
He looked nervous.
-    Well, you also look handsome in that shirt.
-    How’s Eric doing? I hope he is fine.

I couldn’t resist and I started crying.

-    Måns, you know what I think. He is cheating on me.
Mr. M, put himself closer to me and he passed his hand so softly on my hair and my shoulder. Then he hugged me.
-    What makes you think this is happening?- He whispered in my ear
-    I’ve been looking on the internet. I have talked to Danny and I also have noticed that he has changed! I know I don’t have any proofs. I just know this is happening and it’s making me suffer so much.
-    Haven’t you just thought for a moment that maybe this is just an idea you have? That everything is just in your imagination?- He suggested but I immediately denied this possibility.
-    No, I know he is cheating on me even if I don’t know who she is- I declared.
-    What if it’s not a “she” but a “he”- He replied.
He looked like if he knew something I didn’t know.

-    What are you trying to say? Of course not. Eric is not gay.
But Måns keeps smiling. It started to freak me out.
-    Ok, let’s consider your theory. Cause is just a theory isn’t it?
Once again, Måns didn’t answer my question. He just stayed with his stupid smarty smile. Suddenly I was scared.
-    Are you meaning that…? YOU??!!
-    Of course not- Mr. M. looked offended.
-    I wished it would be me, but I haven’t touched your boyfriend.
-    What the hell do you say? - I asked shocked.
It was just ridiculous. Last minute he confessed that he found me sexy and now he was basically admitting that he’d enjoy making love with Eric. It didn’t make sense to me.

-    What’s weird on it? Eric is really hot. But he is very committed. Everytime I have tried to make him know that I want to… f**k him, he just ignore me.
-    So you are bisexual. Great.
-    I’m straight but I’m open to new experiences, thanks.
-    That’s being bisexual, M.
-    Call me what you like Molly. If you feel more comfortable thinking about me as a bisexual, do it. Labels don’t bother to me.

I was trying to assimilate all the information
-    But you know something very important. Even if it wasn’t you. You know who’s… that person.
-    I…
-    Of course you know.
-    I can’t tell you anything else, Molly. Eric is my friend and I won’t betray his confidence in me.- He looked serious
-    But you are a friend of mine too. You have to choose where’s your loyalty Måns Zelmerlöw!- I almost shout
-    How dare you, Molly Sandén?- He replied in an angry tone but he quickly changed it and talked again on his slow sweet voice.
-    I’m sorry. But you have to understand that you both are my friends. I love you both and I won’t do anything that will hurt Eric.

I was feeling tired and obfuscated.
-    Actually, do you know that the fact that Eric is cheating me is not that important? What hurts me the most is that he never spoke to me about it. He never told me what was happening. - I admitted feeling the worst pain coming from my heart, to the rest of my body.
I was about to cry again.
-    Molly, I am sorry. I don’t want to make you feel sad- Måns says and he really seems to be worried for me.
He put his arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer.

-    Mr. M, I’m destroyed. My heart aches
I liked his touch. I did not even think, I just kissed him passionately on his lips.
-    No, Molly, I don’t want to take any advantage on you. Not on this situation please. You are feeling weak and…
But I didn’t want to take a no for an answer.
-    Don’t you understand it Mr. M? I’m dying. I’m hurt. All I can feel is pain, I need you. I need you to make me feel a passion higher than the ache that is invading my body or I’ll die.

I kissed him once again, but this time he let me continue. Mr. M caressed my chest and dried my tears with his fingers. I unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his muscular chest. My knees felt weak at the sight of Måns beautiful body and I gave him a kiss on his chest.

I got up and we went to my bedroom. When we were there, I pulled his shirt open and hugged him with emotion. I felt how Mr. M was looking for the zip on the back of my dress. I helped him find it as a robot would do. I just wanted to kill the pain. I was begging for him to use me. That was the only way to eliminate this feeling that has invaded me.
My dress was opened at the back and now he removed it, letting it fell into the floor.

-    Oh my lord. You have a really beautiful body- Måns says. – Eric is really lucky for having you.
A sign of pain and fear appeared on my face after hearing the name of my boyfriend. I really didn’t want to lose him but I had no hope this time. I tried not to let Mr. M. noticed this but I think I wasn’t really good.

Mr. M is such a gentleman that I am sure he would prefer to stop doing this. He cared about me, but he didn’t understand that this is what I exactly needed. I wouldn’t let him go away and leave me with my pain. I pushed him to the nearest wall and kissed him on my lips while he fondled my breasts inside my bra.
I took his pants off and I could see his cock fully erected stacked in his underwear. I took them off.

I put his penis in my mouth and sucked his head first, then his entire cock. My head moved up and down his penis for at least 10 minutes. I couldn’t think, that was exactly what I needed. Thanks Måns for liberating me of my suffering.
I could feel his enormous cock beating to be released from my mouth. He pulled my head and blew and enormous load of cum in my mouth. I had to swallow it, I had no other way.

Mr. M picked me up and put me on the bed. He took off my panties and he kissed my inner thighs. I felt my body shiver with that pleasant sensation. He kissed my crotch and then he started licking my cunt. I came in five minutes and he was licking my juices. Then he took my briefs and sucked on my breasts while pressing them at the same time. Then he went up and kissed my neck.

I could felt his warm breath over my neck and shoulders that liberating me of my pain. I was Måns slave, I was his puppet and I was doing this with real pleasure cause I was getting exactly what I needed. In that moment I wasn’t Molly anymore, I was an object and I was being possessed. All my fears, everything has gone away. That was good, I didn’t want to think anymore. Otherwise I would suffer.

I couldn’t take it anymore so I begged Mr. M to f**k me really hard. He rubbed his hard penis against the lips of my clit so gently. I moaned in pleasure when he started pushing his dick into me and when he was finally inside of me with all his strength.
He started fucking me. It wasn’t like making love with Eric. Eric was definitely sweeter and more romantic but I liked the feeling a lot. I felt being a fallen dirty bitch a street whore for him. Everything in me was left behind and for the next minutes I was just a person with no past, no future, no shadow, anything. I didn’t know my name. I was nobody.

Mr M went on fucking me again as soon as my orgasm stopped and this time he shook my body even harder, giving me several powerful strokes.
I hear him moaning with pleasure, really loud and I knew he was about to explode again.

-    I want to cum
-    f**k me harder- I begged.- Do it faster Måns
He fucked me harder and faster and then he blew a huge load inside of me as I came again.
Then he collapsed upon me and after his breathing came to a normal speed he kissed me on my lips. That was a long passionate kiss.

We rest in that position for about ten minutes. Mr. M was enjoying that state of grace we feel after the orgasm. In my case, I felt like a zombie. I felt no pleasure at all but at least I felt no pain either. I was more like an empty figure with no emotions. I didn’t feel like a human being and this wasn’t a pleasant feeling at all.

I stood up and took my clothes on. Måns Zelmerlöw was watching me with pity. Sure he knew I was suffering and he started feeling worried.

-    Would you like to have some tea or some other drink?- He asked me after he get dressed
-    Tea would be ok.
-    I’m going to prepare you a cup of tea- he said and went to the kitchen.

I left the room and sat down in front of the table in the dining room.
5 minutes later, Måns put a big cup of tea in front of me. I took a sip.

-    Did you add alcohol to my drink?
Mr. M. shrugged
-    I thought it would be a good idea.
Then he sat down next to me. He now looked serious.

-    Eric loves you. Never forget it
-    I know but… Why, Mr. M?! Why didn’t he tell me that he loved someone else? A boy?
-    Let’s be serious. Would you tell Eric that you are cheating on him and that you are doing this with a girl?

A long silence preceded my answer. It took me a while to find the answer that was in my heart.

-    No. I wouldn’t tell Eric that I’m bisexual.
-    Why? - Mr. M asked. He was torturing me.
-    Cause I don’t want to hurt his feelings.
-    Great. It seems that we have made some progress- he replied.
We laughed.

Måns kissed me before he left my house. However I had something to do this time different that just crying and regretting.

-    He loves you- he repeated before leaving.- Try to think about how he feels.

I did. I went back to my memories trying to meet Eric, the man. I definitely loved him, there’s no doubt about it, because he is so sweet, funny, special, talented and very emotional. But he was more complex. That was the right word to describe him.

I checked Eric’s email. I felt like the worst person in the world for doing this but with the help of a friend of mine I’ve installed software on our computer to capture every password that has been submitted there over the past days. He never noticed it.

In most of them he was just talking about professional subjects. Eric was smart enough to delete every compromising email he received after reading it. However, I took a look to the conversations he has with his friends.

There were a few subtle details I’ve noticed. Specially, on his conversations with M but most particularly, with my dear cousin.
I had a flashback, I have talked so many times about Eric with him but I didn’t notice something strange of his affectionate, considered manners.
All this time it was Danny.

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